Today marks International Women’s Day. A day where we celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness about discrimination and take action to drive gender parity. We believe in celebrating and championing women every day, beyond one singular calendar moment. There continues to be many barriers facing women and if we want to truly celebrate, uplift, and level the playing field for all women we need to see actual change. 

This International Women’s Day some of the Full Fat team have shared the change they want to see for women NOW across our industry and beyond. 

We hope you are as inspired as we are.

What one change is needed for women to thrive in our industry?

More financial support & flexibility - Ella McWilliam 

Too often women are forced to give up their careers or take career breaks as it’s not financially viable to cover soaring nursery fees. This, combined with a lack of flexible working means we’re losing incredible talent and diverse perspectives and it is exacerbating the gender pay gap - the “motherhood penalty” is real! Stylist reported that women will need to work 19 extra years to retire with the same pensions as men, which is absurd! Things have got to change and that starts with more money and increased flexibility.

Demand more women at board level - Megan Morass 

If there are no women at the top of the food chain, inclusivity won’t be possible. We need to inspire others by seeing diversity and inclusion from the top down. More women in power means more understanding of the previsions and environments needed for women to thrive. 

United in strength, diverse in spirit - Francesca Cray

There is power in collectively striving for the same goal, but the adventure is our individual journeys in achieving it and our attitude towards it. Embrace that difference and celebrate each other.

Be unafraid to challenge the status quo - Amy Green

If something isn’t sitting right with you, whether that be a client approach or an internal policy, trust that feeling and feel confident to ask why. Often that can lead to a positive open conversation and ultimately. change for the better. 

Open more opportunities for the working class - Becca Fergus

As a Northern working class woman, the lack of opportunity outside of the capital is still as scarce as it always has been. Empowering women from lower socio-economic backgrounds with the skills and self confidence they need to succeed will bring more diversity and inclusivity to the industry, and inspire future generations to not feel discouraged by their postcode.

Harness the power of female intuition - Advika Reddy

Never underestimate the power of your intuition. You can understand, connect, and resonate with diverse audiences on a much deeper level - isn’t that what makes the best campaigns? 

ALWAYS celebrate each other - Clara Perez Minones 

Let’s get rid of the pointless stereotype of women in business competing with each other. We are all here to celebrate and support each other, this is key to ensuring our workplaces, governments and organizations are truly represented for us.

Community is EVERYTHING - Keisha Radway 

We’re stronger together, it’s often portrayed that there can only be one ‘IT GIRL’ at a time, especially in the music and entertainment industries. If we work together as a community and encourage each other, rather than competing to be the woman of the moment, we will collectively earn the respect and accolades we each deserve. 

Embrace vulnerability - Tash Molloy

Rethink vulnerability. Being honest and open can be seen as negative in the workplace but organisations should embrace vulnerability and allow individuals to authentically express themselves. There's huge power in that. 

Don’t pigeonhole women - Megan Freeman 

Don’t pigeonhole women to just work in certain areas of PR. You often see very male-dominated sectors of the industry such as Corporate comms, Financial Services, MedComms and not many women. Having a female specialist in these sectors can help create a more rounded view.

Surround yourself with incredible women - Ally Weller

Use every opportunity to network and find incredible women that you can connect and work with. Seek out those that complement your skill set but also those in different sectors and walks of life so that you can learn and empower each other.

Ensure working mothers have the support and flexibility to thrive - Sophie Rea Long

Ensuring women have the flexibility to navigate the demands of both motherhood and career advancement is paramount. It's not just about work… it's about cultivating an inclusive environment that champions both personal and career success in equal measure.

Be the woman who actively supports other women - Kaye Woodhouse 

A woman alone has power. Collectively we have impact. Traditionally we are told to compete with each other because there is scarcity at the top. But be that woman who keeps the ladder up and offers a lift. It's the responsibility of those who have ‘made it’ to pull others through. 

Embrace different forms of motherhood - Tamara Odeh

Some women don’t have children but play a very active role in the upbringing and mothering of children within their extended family. Flexibility in the workplace and policies that account for social mothers and care-giving mothers would support non-traditional roles, and reinforce the values of community.

More women empowering each other - Paloma Pineda

Women supporting and creating opportunities for those from underrepresented backgrounds will allow us to break barriers. We need to speak up, share our experiences, mentor, and uplift each other to succeed.

Embrace and Celebrate Playful Feminine Energy - Isobel Fisher

By encouraging and embracing playful feminine energy in the workplace, we create an environment where women feel empowered to express their creativity, intuition, and collaborative spirit, leading to greater innovation, connection, and overall well-being within the industry.

Full Fat Team