Thriving in a smaller agency

In an ever evolving creative industry, you often find yourself at a crossroads that demands bold decision making, and in March of this year, I found myself there too, when I decided to move from a big-name creative agency to a smaller, boutique offering.

This was a big change for me. I had only been back from maternity leave for five months, but I felt lost in the agency I had called home for almost five years and I knew that in a smaller setting there's a type of camaraderie that quickly fosters closer collaborations and friendships, and this was the type of place where I should focus my efforts. 

So why are smaller creative agencies better than larger ones?

They are more agile

One of the first things that became aware to me as I started at Full Fat is that with fewer layers of hierarchy, decisions are streamlined, and the emphasis on individual contributions becomes far more pronounced. 

They encourage adaptability 

As a team, we are also exposed to a broader range of responsibilities, from brainstorming concepts to executing campaigns and engaging directly with clients. This skill set nurtures adaptability which is an essential trait in an industry where trends change in a blink.

They foster a real culture of camaraderie 

In a smaller setting, individual contributions resonate louder. Ideas that once felt overshadowed can take centre stage and can leave a lasting impact. The recognition for individual achievements is far more immediate and meaningful too, fuelling a deeper sense of job satisfaction.

Accounts teams and clients work more COLLABORATIVELY

Within smaller agencies, clients have direct access to everyone from creative teams to agency leadership. These closer working relationships lead to stronger, more collaborative partnerships, with clients feeling like an integral part of the creative process. 

At Full Fat I've discovered that success isn't measured on the size of the project. It's about thinking outside the box, embracing the freedom to be creative, being all in with what we do and doing it with a team that wants to achieve something truly special together. 

Written by Sophie Rea Long

Full Fat