What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?!

Our Co-Founders Ella & Megan reflect on the last decade with 10 lessons that have shaped the agency.

The idea of Full Fat began 10 years ago whilst sitting at the kitchen table with a cuppa in hand , dreaming about creating something different. Something that would break the traditional comms agency mold.


How could we be PR’s without falling into the cliched PR Girl stereotype? How could we work with the experiences and brands we love but on our terms? How could we create a space that felt authentic to us? And finally, how could we create an environment that our team really loved. Our ambitions stemmed from a deep rooted love of storytelling, building meaningful relationships, working hard, having fun and ultimately making  people feel good. 

So we took the plunge, and Full Fat was born.

 Yes, we were in our mid twenties and we definitely lacked experience, knowledge and financial acumen - Companies House say what?! Yet, we threw ourselves into it, often blindly, and not without the occasional hiccup. A few things got us through those first few years, and they continue to guide us now. We will always be brave and honest; we will always lead with empathy, work hard, be creative and keep innovating, making sure that we stay true to that original vision of making people feel good. 


It’s been a wild ride and we wouldn’t change a thing and as we reflect on the last epic 10 years, there is so much we’ve learnt along the way. Here’s some snippets:


  • Diversity in thinking will transform your business astronomically and only ever for the better. Full Fat flourished when we grew our senior management team, deliberately hired different voices and a huge moment was Paul joining us as a Partner in the business. As individuals we each have a voice and opinion, which can be different and we celebrate that - our core values are aligned which ensure we always get to a place where everyone feels good and the outcome far exceeds one perspective.


  • It’s not all about you. You’re going to need a thicker skin - it’s not personal (even if it can feel deeply personal at times 😬). As agency founders and proudly female leaders we often lead with emotion. We love that and we wouldn't change it but sometimes it’s important to take a step back and think about it from a broader perspective. If something is wrong whether client or team, there’s a reason and it needs to be addressed without blame, to ourselves or others. And there will always be a solution, we promise! 


  • Every human is completely different. People won’t always behave in the way you want them to or indeed how you would yourself.. Don’t expect people to do as you do, be open to a different opinion, voice or another way of thinking. Embrace it whilst also staying true to your core values.


  • Change is good, no change is great! We all set out with a goal in mind or a vision for how things are going to go. That vision won’t always play out and it will certainly flex. Go with it and be brave. If it feels a bit uncomfortable, it’s worth doing. 


  • Trust that gut! If it doesn’t feel right it’s probably not. Get to the bottom of it, address it, move on, move forward. 


  • Let go. Done is better than perfect. And P.S. no one likes a micro manager 


  • Passion is everything. Retaining your passion for anything over a 10 year period can feel like an impossible goal. However, it really is the root to all great work. If your passion is wavering it’s time to innovate. 


  • Slow down. Society, especially living in London, can feel like you’re in a constant rush to get somewhere, meet that deadline, reach that goal or even just go to the loo! We’re not suggesting you put your feet up and stick the telly at 10am every day but take your time and your best work will come.


  • Be Patient. What you want to achieve will not happen overnight, in fact sometimes you won’t even feel as though you’re moving in that direction. But surely enough - if everyday you make marginal movements you will get there. 


  • Invest in growth. If you want accelerated growth, and by accelerated we mean more than you could naturally expect, you have to invest in it. This doesn’t mean the more you spend the bigger the reward. You need to strategically invest in things that allow you to increase volume. Volume of what you may ask, well that’s down to you.  


  • Surround yourself with people you love (and are better than you). It’s a cliche but it’s true. Whether it’s through the team you sit alongside every day to the clients you partner with, your working relationships will impact your happiness and it’s important to be a part of a team and culture that  speaks to who you are. You wouldn’t settle in your personal relationships, don’t settle at work.

Full Fat